Multiplex Control System

Multiplex Control Unit Input Test (cont'd)


Cavity Wire Test condition Test: Desired result Possible cause if result is not obtained
X8 WHT/BLK Under all conditions Attach to ground:

The ignition key light should come on.

  • Blown No. 3 (7.5A) fuse in the under-hood fuse/relay box
  • Blown LED
  • An open in the wire
O7 GRN/RED Ceiling light, spotlights switches in the middle position Attach to ground:

The ceiling light, spotlights should come on.

  • Blown No. 3 (7.5A) fuse in the under-hood fuse/relay box
  • Faulty ceiling light or spotlights
  • An open in the wire
C11 BLU Under all conditions Attach to ground:

Dash lights should come on.

  • Blown No. 2 (15A) fuse in the under-hood fuse/relay box
  • Faulty taillight relay
  • An open in the wire
F8 GRN/RED Brake fluid reservoir float in down position Check for voltage to ground:

There should be battery voltage.

  • Faulty brake fluid level switch
  • An open in the wire
E10 YEL Under all conditions Check for voltage to ground:

there should be 3 - 8 volts in the sleep mode and battery voltage when awake.

  • An open or short in the wire
K10 WHT/GRN Under all conditions Check for voltage to ground:

There should be 3 - 8 volts in the sleep mode and battery voltage when awake.

  • An open or short in the wire